Goal: To make the healthy choice the easy choice where people live, learn, work, and play.
Priority Areas:
Healthy eating: Help everyone get healthy, safe, affordable, and culturally appropriate foods.
Active living: Build communities that make it easier for people to be active.
Breastfeeding and lactation: Support and educate employers, healthcare providers, and others so that parents can provide human milk to their babies if they choose.
Who We Work With:
Schools, including School Nutrition Programs
Early Care and Education (Childcare Programs)
Out-of-School Programs
Recreation Departments
Healthcare systems
Colleges and Universities
Food Councils and those working to ensure food access to the community
Other partners who are interested in improving healthy eating, active living, and breastfeeding in their community
School and Childcare gardens: Let’s Go! Penobscot and UMaine Extension Present: The Learning Garden – YouTube
Deb Weiskittel
Phone: 207-992-4467
Email: deborah.weiskittel@bangormaine.gov
Prevention efforts supported by the Maine CDC.